Amongst the most sought-after of Ethiopia’s regions, but also one of the newest officially recognised coffee growing areas, Guji consistently produces the quality we love. Situated in Southern Oromia, surrounded by Yirgacheffe to the West and Sidama to the North, Guji is an area of unmistakable natural beauty with lush greenery and sublime mountain ranges making it ideal coffee country.

Compared to it’s more famous neighbour, Guji is comparatively sparsely populated and planted with younger trees than Yirgacheffe. With greater distances between washing stations and less overall congestion in the area, Guji produces exemplary coffees that deserve its individual status as a growing region.
Being a remote and wild landscape, roughly 10% of the Oromo people of Guji live in towns, the majority being smallholder farmers, cultivating coffee amongst other crops on their land.